In order that all things be done decently and in order (I Corinthians 14:40),
our church maintains a constitution, which is broken down into articles.
The Constitution in its original version was ratified on 27 January, 1976, then subsequently amended in June 1981 and again in June 1983. (Such amendments may be found in the official minutes of the Voters’ Assembly.)
A scanned PDF of the document is available here. It was transcribed into its Webpage form on June 24, 2022.
- Preamble
- Article I Name
- Article II Purpose
- Article III Confessional Standard
- Article IV Membership
- Article V Spiritual Care of Unconfirmed Children
- Article VI Right of Suffrage
- Article VII Office of the Pastor
- Article VIII Powers of the Congregation
- Article IX Property Rights
- Article X Church Fellowship
- Article XI Hymns and Literature
- Article XII The Voters' Assembly – Its Officers and Board and Duties
- Article XIII Amending the Constitutionality
We, the members of Holy Scripture Evangelical Lutheran Church of San Antonio, Texas, because of our desire to be an orthodox, evangelical Lutheran Church, according to the Holy Scriptures and the Confessional Standard of the historic Evangelical Lutheran Church as expressed in the Book of Concord 1580, have organized under such common confession of doctrine and practice. In order to maintain orthodoxy in both teaching and practice, we hereby submit to the following articles of our Constitution
Article I Name
The name of this congregation shall be Holy Scripture Evangelical Lutheran Church of San Antonio, Texas
Article II Purpose
The purpose of this congregation shall be to preserve to ourselves and to our children, and to extend to others, the full truth of God’s Word, the fully-inspired, inerrant Holy Scriptures. This purpose we find to be the clear expression of the Bible in John 8:31-32, and Matthew 28:18-20. To acheive this purpose, the Word of God shall be taught in its truth and purity, the Sacraments shall be administered according to the institution of Christ, and proper discipline shall be administered according to the Holy Scriptures.
Article III Confessional Standard
- We acknowledge and accept all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the verbally-inspired, inerrant Word of God. In addition, we accept all the confessional writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as contained in the Book of Concord, 1580, as the true and genuine expression of the doctrines of the Bible.
- The confessional writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as found in the Book of Concord, 1580, are:
- The three Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian);
- The Unaltered Augsburg Confession;
- The Apology (Defense) of the Augsburg Confession;
- The Smalcald Articles;
- Luther’s Large Catechism;
- Luther’s Small Catechism;
- The Formula of Concord.
- We also adhere to the Brief Statement of 1932. The Brief Statement, like the above confessional writings, is in full accord with Scripture.
- According to the above confessional standard, all doctrinal controversies that may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjudicated.
Article IV Membership
- Baptized members: All persons who have been baptized according to the institution of Christ (Matthew 28:19) and who are under the pastoral care of the pastor shall be considered baptized members.
- Communicant members: No one may become nor remain a communicant member of the congregation nor enjoy the rights and privileges of the same unless he/she
- Is baptized and confirmed;
- Accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the only divine rule and standard of faith and comfort;
- Is familiar with and accepts Luther’s Small Catechism and, if lacking in knowledge of all the Lutheral Confessions named in Article III, does not take a position against them;
- Attends divine services regularly (John 8:31-32, 47). This presupposes that members living out of town will conduct services regularly in their homes;
- Receives the Lord’s Supper regularly (I Corinthians 11:26);
- Leads a Christian life and abstains from manifest works of the flesh (Galations 5:19-21);
- Permits him-/herself to be fraternally admonished and corrected when he/she has erred or offended (Matthew 18:15-18);
- Is not a member nor affiliate nor supporter of any secret society, lodge, or other organization (juvenile or adult) that conflicts with the Word of God and the confessional standard of this congregation (Romans 16:17; II Corinthians 6:14-18);
- Contributes regularly and faithfully as God has prospered him/her in time, talents, and treasures. (Note: For all endeavors of the congregation, free-will offerings shall be made, with every member giving according to his/her ability and according to the principles of the New Testament. Hence, no methods of so-called,
that conflict with the New Testament shall be used. Sales, suppers, bazaars, or other merchandising schemes are therefore forbidden (I Corinthians 16:1-2; II Corinthians 9:1-8; John 2:16).)
- Admission of new members:
- Junior Confirmation – Children having reached the age of 12 years (exceptions granted by the pastor) shall be instructed in Luther’s Small Catechism. Upon completion of the course, upon examination of the confirmand by the pastor in the presence of the elders and/or the congregation, upon the recommendation of the pastor, and upon the approval of the Voters’ Assembly, the child shall be confirmed and received into communicant membership.
- Adult Confirmation – Adults desiring to be received into communicant membership are to be instructed in Luther’s Small Catechism. Upon completion of the course, upon the brief examination of the adult confirmand by the pastor in the presence of the elders, upon the recommendation of the pastor, and upon the approval of the Voters’ Assembly, the adult shall be received into communicant membership.
- Transfers In – Transfers will be acted upon by the Voters’ Assembly upon the recommendation of the pastor. Transfers shall be granted only from those churches with whom we are in declared doctrinal fellowship.
- Profession of Faith – Members of other Lutheran congregations that are not in doctrinal fellowship with us but who desire to unite with us shall first be instructed in those points of doctrinal difference that separate us from the heterodox churches. At the completion of the instruction, the prospective members shall be briefly examined by the pastor in the presence of the elders. Upon the recommendation of the pastor, and upon the approval of the Voters’ Assembly, the prospective members shall be received into membership.
- Termination of Membership:
- Transfers Out – Transfers out will be acted upon by the Voters’ Assembly after the recommendation of the pastor. Transfers shall be granted only to those churches with which we are in declared doctrinal fellowship.
- Excommunication – Any member who conducts him-/herself in an unchristian manner or is guilty of false doctrine shall be admonished according to Matthew 18:15-20. If, after proper admonition, he/she refuses to repent, the congregation shall declare him/her excommunicated. Where the sin in public at the outset, the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-20 need not be observed, unless discretion so demands. Such excommunicated persons shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership, also any and all claims upon congregational property. A unanimous vote shall be required of the Voters’ Assembly. Where a unanimous vote is not gained, the dissenting or abstaining voters must offer Scripturally-valid reasons for their vote. If valid reasons cannot be given, the dissenters or abstainers must first be dealt with before the original case is concluded. Upon repentance, an excommunicated person shall be reinstated when approved by the Voters’ Assembly.
- Whereabouts Unknown – The names of members whose whereabouts become unknown and cannot be established shall, upon the recommendation of the pastor, be removed from the membership roster by the Voters’ Assembly, and forthwith such membership shall be terminated.
Article V Spiritual Care of Unconfirmed Children
Since the primary duty of rearing children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is committed to the parents (Ephesians 6:4), this duty shall be so enjoined upon parents as to urge them to establish the family altar and to instruct their children thoroughly in the fundamentals of the Christian faith according to Luther’s Small Catechism. To this end, the congregation shall establish a Sunday School and, if possible, a Christian Day School. These agencies shall be supported by the entire congregation so that the children may be given adequate training in sound doctrine and practice.
Article VI Right of Suffrage
Only such pastor shall be called by the congregation who is in full accord with the confessional standard of the congregation (Article III), who has been adequately prepared for his work (II Timothy 2:15), and is well qualified for it (I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). His duties shall be outlined by his call document.
Article VII Office of the Pastor
Only such pastor shall be called by the congregation who is in full accord with the confessional standard of the congregation (Article III), who has been adequately prepared for his work (II Timothy 2:15), and is well qualified for it (I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). His duties shall be outlined by his call document.
Article VIII Powers of the Congregation
- General – The congregation as a body, through the Voters’ Assembly, shall have supreme authority to administer and manage all its internal and external affairs. The pastor, therefore, has no right to make any decision or regulation for the congregation without its consent in matters that are not commanded by the Word of God. No arrangements or decisions are to be made by any individual or group within the congregation without the congregation’s consent. The congregation, however, shall not be endowed to arrange or decide any matters contrary to the Word of God and the confessional standard of the congregation (Article III), and any such decision or action shall be null and void.
- Decisions – All matters of doctrine and practice (the application of doctrine) shall be decided by the Word of God alone, and therefore all such decisions must result in unanimous agreement (I Corinthians 1:10). All other matters of the congregation (adiaphora, i.e.,non-doctrinal) shall be decided by majority vote.
- The Right of Calling – The right of calling a pastor shall be vested in the congregation alone, and shall never be delegated to a smaller group or to an individual. A unanimous vote is required.
- Removal from Office – Any pastor, teacher, or other officer or other called worker may be removed from office by the Voters’ Assembly, by written ballot, in Christian and lawful order according to Matthew 18:15-20, for one of the following reasons:
- Adherence to false doctrine;
- Scandalous life;
- Inability to perform his/her official duties or willful neglect of them.
- Church Discipline – Church discipline shall be administered according to Matthew 18:15-20. Manifest and impenitent sinners shall be excommunicated from the congregation. When such excommunicated persons repent of their sins and seek forgiveness from God and the congregation, they shall be reinstated. It is to be noted that church discipline, even the declaration of excommunication, is an exercise of Christian love on the part of the congregation to save the soul of the erring person. The congregation has not only the right but also the duty to administer discipline where such is in order.
Article IX Property Rights
The congregation as represented by the Voters’ Assembly shall have the right to purchase property and facilities and/or rent such facilities as are necessary for its needs. If at any time a separation should take place on account of doctrine, the property of the congregation and all its benefits therewith connected shall remain with those members who shall continue to adhere to the confessional position set forth in Article III, even if such group should constitute a minority. Furthermore, members who transfer their membership, or who are excommunicated, or whose whereabouts become unknown and thereby declared no longer a member, shall also forfeit all and any rights of property the moment such termination is declared by the Voters’ Assembly.
Article X Church Fellowship
Church fellowship is the joining together for worship, or other religious activity, with those of the same doctrine (orthodox; I Corinthians 1:10). Where there is no unanimity in doctrine and practice, there can be no fellowship of any sort (worship, the sacraments, prayer, mission work, training workers, printing literature, or support of religious charities and institutions, etc.). Thus, our congregation may be affiliated only with an orthodox Lutheran synod or church body, that is, one that occupies the same confessional (doctrinal) position and practice as is set forth in Article III, and that permits to exist only this same doctrine and practice in its midst, and that therefore will remove and not tolerate any false teaching and practice that may arise, Romans 16:17; Titus 3:10-11. Such synod or church body that would be considered for fellowship must exercise only an advisory position over against the congregation, not only in theory, but also in practice.
Article XI Hymns and Literature
Only purely Scriptural hymns shall be used in the public divine services, including funerals and weddings. Likewise, liturgical and ministerial forms must conform with sound doctrine. Furthermore, all Sunday School material and other education material as may be used must also conform withArticle III.
Article XII The Voters’ Assembly – Its Officers and Board and Duties
- Officers:
- Chairman
- Vice-Chairman
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Boards:
- Elders
- Other standing or special committees as needed
- Duties of Officers:
- Chairman – The chairman shall preside at the meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and keep the work of the congregation before the attention of the officers and board members. The chairman shall be an ex officio member of all boards and committees. Term of one year.
- Vice-Chairman – The vice-chairman shall assume the duties of the chairman in his absence or inability. Term of one year.
- Secretary – The secretary shall keep careful minutes of the meetings of the Voters’ Assembly. He shall also conduct such correspondence as the Voters’ Assembly requests. Term of one year.
- Treasurer – The treasurer shall pay all fixed and budgeted expenses without (but all others with) the approval of the Voters’ Assembly. He shall keep accurate records of all receipts and disbursements of the congregation. These records shall be audited annually, and a report of such audit shall be submitted to the Voters’ Assembly meeting. Term of one year.
- Duties of the Elders – The elders shall assist the pastor in the spiritual care of the congregation, especially in the exercise of church discipline. They shall keep the congregation informed of the needs and welfare of the pastor. They shall demonstrate a faithful Christian conduct and witness becoming of their office. They shall be appointed by the pastor and approved by the Voters’ Assembly. Term of two years.
- Election of Officers – The election of officers shall take place annually by ballot at the December meeting. A slate of nominations may be drawn up by the pastor and elders. Nomination from the floor shall also be honored at the election meeting.
- Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly:
- Every regular Voters’ Assembly meeting shall be announced (by word or in the bulletin) at a Sunday service prior to the meeting. Whenever a meeting has been thus announced, and at least one-third of the voting members of the congregation (one-third of the voting members shall constitute a quorum) are in attendance, it shall be considered a properly convened meeting, capable of transacting business.
- Special Meetings – Special meetings of the Voters’ Assembly may be called by the pastor, the chairman, or at the request of any three voting members. Notice of such special meetings shall be made by the chairman, stating purpose, time, and place of such meetings.
- All meetings shall be conducted in compliance with Robert’s Rules of Order unless it conflicts with the Holy Scriptures or Article III.
- Disbursement of Non-budgeted Funds – Disbursement of non-budgeted funds over $25 must be submitted for approval to the Voters’ Assembly.
- Order of Business – The following shall be the order of business for the regular Voters’ Assembly meeting:
- Call to order
- Opening devotion
- Roll call and report of attendance
- Reading of minutes
- Pastor’s message and report
- Report of officers and boards
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Admission of new members to the Voters
- Announcements
- Adjournment with prayer
Article XIII Amending the Constitutionality
- In Article III, which states our confession, and Article XIII shall be unalterable. This means that Article III and Article XIII may not be revised, altered, or repealed.
- No revision, alteration, or repeal shall be made that conflicts with Holy Scripture and Article III, which states our confession.
- All other articles of the constitution may be revised, altered, or repealed according to the following procedures:
- Such proposed changes shall be presented at a regular Voters’ Meeting. No vote shall be taken on these proposed changes at this meeting, but discussion is allowed.
- On each of the two preceeding Sundays before the next regularly scheduled Voters’ Assembly meeting, the congregation shall be notified that the proposed changes will be acted upon at the next regularly scheduled Voters’ Assembly meeting.
- To affect such revision, alteration, or repeal, a two-thirds majority vote of the members present shall be necessary.